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How to Use PowerPoint as a Teleprompter

How to Use PowerPoint as a Teleprompter

How to Use PowerPoint as a Teleprompter? Do you have to read a screenplay to the audience or to the camera? Use this manual to learn how to teleprompt using PowerPoint.

You probably don’t want to have to worry about memorizing the entire speech or presentation if you’re giving one. Who needs tension, after all, if you forget your lines the whole thing is going to fall apart.

Because of this, professionals—from CEOs to politicians—use teleprompters to read their speeches aloud rather than memorize them. You won’t have to worry about it, so you can concentrate on giving the best speech or presentation you can.

Systems for professional teleprompters are expensive. Good news! You can create your own utilising software you most likely already own. Using PowerPoint as a teleprompter is explained here.

Use PowerPoint as a Teleprompter

Although I wrote this guide for Microsoft Office 2010, the procedures are the same whether you’re using Office 2007 or an earlier version.

Step 1: In PowerPoint, start a new presentation and select the Blank layout. Select Black as the backdrop style on the design tab.

Step 2: Construct a new text box such that it fills the slide’s width. Copy and paste the transcript into this text box, then adjust the text’s font size to your needs. I type in Calibri with a point size of 48 and a single line space.

Step 3: This is the exciting part. While the text box is chosen, switch to PowerPoint’s Animations Tab and add the Lines animation under motion route. Next, select “Up” as the direction for Animation in Effect Options.

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Step 4: Double-click the TextBox object in the Animations window to see the Effect choices dialogue. Smooth Start and Smooth End timing should be set to 0 seconds. Set the animation’s duration to 50 seconds using the Timing tab.

Step 5: After that, zoom out by around 20% to make the full animation and slide visible. As seen in the following screenshot, move the red animation arrow’s tip above the top edge of the slide.

I’m done now. Your new teleprompter is the slideshow, which you may play by pressing F5. Depending on the amount of text, you can fiddle with the timing and the arrow placements. Additionally, if the text is longer than a minute, you can divide it up into other slides.

Additionally, since this teleprompter is just like a typical PowerPoint presentation, you may navigate the slides with your wireless mouse even while standing some distance away.

Improve Your Presentation Skills

You may deliver powerful speeches or presentations without using a printed script if you know how to utilise PowerPoint as a teleprompter. Place your screen carefully, preferably where you will have a line of sight that is directed towards your audience. To get the hang of using it, you might need to practise using it a few times.

There are many additional helpful PowerPoint techniques you may utilise to differentiate your presentations from the competition. To show crucial information only when you want it to be revealed, you can learn how to hide text until it is clicked. In PowerPoint, you can blur photos to make compelling backdrops or to conceal important information until you’re ready to show it.

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