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How To Create Strong Passwords You’ll Never Forget

Create Strong Passwords

Create Strong Passwords: Do you know how to make a strong password that you can remember? Here are some advice and techniques for creating and using secure, unique passwords across all of your online accounts.

The ideal password is one that is both challenging to guess and simple to remember. However, some of the most popular passwords, like “password” or “123456,” are laughably simple to decipher. Such passwords might expose you to hacking techniques like password spraying. Use them not! Instead, develop a secure password. Using the same password for all of your online accounts is risky, even if you do have a difficult password. Imagine that one password was cracked by a hacker. For each of your accounts, you should make a special, challenging-to-crack password.

Do you know how to make a strong password then? And how do you manage to recall more than one of them? The following advice will help you keep unique, secure passwords for each of your internet accounts.

An effective password is…

Create Strong Passwords

You can’t guess a strong password or break it with a brute force attack. Computers are used by hackers to test different combinations of letters, numbers, and symbols in an effort to find the perfect password. Short passwords made only of letters and numbers are easily cracked by modern computers.

As a result, strong passwords are made up of a mix of capital and lowercase characters, digits, and unique symbols like punctuation. At least 12 characters should be used, though we advise using one that is lengthier.

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Here are the primary qualities of a strong password, in general:

has a minimum of 12 characters. The better your password, the longer it should be.
utilises capital and lowercase letters, digits, and unique symbols. Mixed character passwords are more difficult to decrypt.
lacks recognisable keyboard shortcuts
is not based on any private information about you.
You need a different password for each account you have.

There are frequently reminders that remind you to enter a certain number of letters or numbers while creating an internet account. Some might even stop you from creating a “weak password,” which is typically a single word or number combination that is simple to decipher.

But even if you don’t receive a reminder, it’s crucial to always use a strong password whether creating a new online account or updating an existing one.

How to Make a Strong Password

Use these guidelines to generate secure, memorable passwords that are nearly impossible for hackers to guess, greatly enhancing the security of your accounts and private data.

1. Make secure passwords

Despite the fact that this advice can seem simple, many people might not understand what “strong” truly means when it comes to setting passwords.

Three qualities of safe, robust passwords are as follows:

  • Your password needs to contain at least 11 characters.
  • Uppercase, lowercase, symbol, and number characters, as well as at least three more character kinds, should all be included.
  • Real terms should be avoided because they are simpler to understand. (Ex: Dog5815)

2. Create different passwords for every account

How many of your accounts could be compromised if a hacker discovered your login information on one of your accounts? You should update your passwords if your response is different from the one they already used to crack the password.

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Additionally, you must never use the same password for several accounts, including your email and bank account.

3. Turn on two-factor authentication.

Two-factor authentication adds another level of security to your account login. You will need the account password and a device for the authentication process—typically your phone—if you use two-factor authentication.

You’ll get a text message or push notification asking you to confirm, usually. You usually only need to do this once for an account if you log in using the same device every time.

If you log into the account from a different, unidentified device, you will need to validate your account once more. Use two-factor authentication at the very least for your bank accounts, email, and password manager (if you use one).

4. Individual Dates

One method to make a strong password that’s simple for you to remember and challenging for hackers to crack is to use personal dates.

Don’t use your birthday, though. Nowadays, it’s just too simple for someone to find out your birthday online.

Use dates that are significant to your family but that nobody else will know, like the day you acquired your first automobile or your very first date. By grouping many dates together or using a space or other special character in between them, you may make your password even more safe.

Additional Ideas

Create Strong Passwords

  • Make manual notes of your passwords.

Online hacking is a common practise. Therefore, it is fairly safe to write down your passwords in notebooks for future reference. The following should be considered when writing down the passwords:

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Don’t discuss the usernames and passwords together.
Never record the entire password. Just record the advice in writing for your records.
as well.

  • Use a different password for each account you have.

It is advised to use unique passwords for each account. Once a hacker has access to one of your accounts, it won’t take long for them to hack into the rest. By making a few minor adjustments, you can use the same password for many accounts.

Use the same password for your Twitter account by just adding the final two letters of Twitter, for example, ayk56-tfg6per, if ayk56-tfg6p is your Gmail password.

  • Utilize two-step verification

It is advisable to utilise two-step verification as an additional security layer for increased protection. In addition to inputting your passwords when you add two-step verification, the provider will send you a text message or email with a pin number that must be entered in order to use the service.

  • Implement a password manager.

Password managers are the most safe way to handle your passwords. All modern password managers store your information in encrypted vaults to shield it from prying eyes. Nearly all of them also include a capability for generating passwords, so in addition to saving your existing passwords, your password manager will generate a strong password for each account you have. The master password for accessing your password manager would be the only password you would need to learn.


Passwords are like the lock on your apartment door; if you’re not home, they’re the only thing burglars have to get past. A weak password is equivalent to a weak lock. It significantly expands the pool of people who can access your accounts.

A excellent way to start enhancing your security is by using all the tips in this article to generate powerful, memorable passwords.

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